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.Net Full Stack Developer

Course Code : TCP-FSN

Course Code : TCP-FSN


Join TCP India for .NET Full Stack Development! Master the complete SDLC, from Requirement Gathering to Maintenance. Unleash creativity with Figma and build captivating interfaces using HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JS, and jQuery. Explore C# and delve into OOP, ASP.NET MVC, and .NET Core with Razor syntax. Gain practical experience in Git, AWS, SQL, and project management with Jira. Embrace a promising future in software development with TCP India!

ASP.NET enables developers to write server-side code using languages like C# or Visual Basic .NET. This server-side code executes on the web server, generating dynamic HTML content that is sent to the client's web browser.


  • SDLC Introduction
  • SDLC Phase
    • Requirement Gathering or Planning
    • SRS (Software Requirement Specification)
    • Design
    • Implementation & Coding
    • Testing
    • Deployment
    • Maintenance
  • SDLC Models
    • Waterfall Model
    • V-Shaped Model
    • Prototype Model
    • Spiral Model
    • Iterative Incremental Model
    • Big Bang Model
    • Agile Model

  • Figma
    • Introduction
    • Tools 
    • Prototype
    • Components
    • Web Interface
    • App Interface
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Bootstrap
  • JavaScript
  • jQuery


  • Introduction
    • Overview of .Net
    • Overview of CLR
    • Primitive Types
    • Namespaces
    • Statements, Expressions, comments, and variables
    • User Input and Output
  • Data Types
    • Overview
    • Integer
    • Float
    • Boolean
    • Character
    • Strings
    • Enum
    • Type Casting
  • Operators
    • Overview
    • Arithmetic Operator
    • Assignment Operator
    • Comparison Operator
    • Logical Operator
    • Ternary Operator
    • Increment/Decrement Operator
  • Decision Making
    • overview
    • If Statement
    • if…else Statement
    • else..if statement
    • Ternary Operator
    • Switch Statement
    • Nested Statement
  • Looping Statements
    • Overview
    • while Loop
    • do…while Loop
    • for loop
    • foreach loop
    • break, continue statement
  • Array
    • Overview
    • Create an array
    • Access Array element
    • Modify array element
    • Multidimensional Array
    • Sorting
    • Use loop for array
  • Functions
    • Overview
    • Built-in functions
    • User-defined functions
    • return type and parameters
    • function overloading
  • Classes and Objects
    • Overview of class and object
    • Access modifier
    • Constructor, Destructor
    • Reference Types
    • OOP
      • Inheritance
      • Abstract Class
      • Polymorphism
      • Enum
      • Virtual Members
      • Static, Sealed, Partial Classes
  • Events, Properties, and Methods
    • Overview
    • Methods
    • Methods Overloading
    • Fields and Properties
    • Events
    • Events Delegates
    • Events Subscribing
    • Events Publishing
    • Indexers
    • Operator Overloading
    • Conversion Operators
  • CLR
    • Overview
    • Garbage Collection
    • Threads
    • Async
    • parallel
    • Reflection
    • Attributes
    • Custom Attributes
    • COM Interop
    • PInvoke
  • Generic
    • Overview
    • Generic Collections
    • Generic Parameter
    • Generic Constraints
    • Generic Methods
    • Generic Interface
    • Generic Delegates
  • LinQ
    • Overview
    • Methods
    • Lambdas and Functions
    • Expressions



  • ASP.Net MVC
    • Overview
    • MVC Architecture
    • Advantages 7 Features of MVC Framework
    • Understanding Model, View, and Controller
    • Overview of the master page
    • Navigation between pages
  • MVC Application
    • Requirements
    • Life Cycle of MVC request
    • Developing the first MVC application
    • Rendering HTML
  • Exploring Controllers
    • Overview
    • ControllerBase Class
    • ViewBag, ViewData, and TempData
    • Types of Action Method
    • Action Method Parameters
    • Action Filters
    • Authentication Filter
    • Custom Action Filter
    • Filter Override features
    • Asynchronous Controllers
  • Exploring Razor Views
    • Overview
    • Types of views
    • Razor syntax
    • Enum
    • Layout (Master page)
    • Partial View
  • Understanding Model Binders
    • Overview
    • Default Model Binder
    • Complex Type Model Binding
    • FormCollection Model Binding
    • Http Posted File Model Binding
    • Bind attribute
  • HTML helpers
    • Overview
    • Methods
    • Render HTML Form
    • Using Form Control
    • Custom Helper Methods
    • Display and Editor Templates
  • Annotations and Validations
    • Overview
    • Attributes
    • Explicit server-side validations of models
    • Custom Validations
    • Apply Annotations
  • State Management
    • Managing Cookies
    • Authentication in cookies
    • Cookie Dictionary
    • Session management
  • web Caching
    • Overview
    • Output cache
    • Implement Data Caching
  • Authentication and Authorization
    • Overview
    • Authentication Types
    • Attributes
    • Windows Authentication
    • Form Authentication
    • Role-based security
  • ASP.NET Identities
    • Overview
    • OWIN and Katana
    • Customizing Template-Generated Code
    • Extending Identity Model
    • OAuth and Social Authentication
    • Email Confirmation
    • User and Role Management
  • URL Routing
    • Overview
    • Mapping URL to  Controller Action Method
    • Applying Constraints on Route Parameter
    • Namespace Ambiguity ignoring Routes
    • Attribute Routing
  • Working with Areas
    • Overview
    • Adding Area
    • Registering Area
    • Linking Between Area
  • AJAX and Jquery
    • Overview
    • Ajax implementation using JQuery
    • Ajax form helper method
    • UI Controls
    • Templates
  • Working with SQL Server
  • CRUD Operation Using Entity Framework
  • ASP.Net Web API
    • Overview
    • Restful Protocol
    • Developing an application
    • Creating a Web API that Supports
    • CRUD Operation using EF
    • Calling Web API
  • Exception Handling
  • Test-Driven Development and Mock Framework
  • Building  and Minification
  • Mobile Compatibility


  • Introduction
    • Overview of .Net Core
    • Features & Advantages
    • .Net Core vs .Net MVC
    • Code Architecture and Directory Structure
  • ASP .Net Core Applicaiton
    • Overview
    • Environment Setup
    • Project layout
    • .Net Core Request Life Cycle
  • Controller and Action Methods
    • Overview
    • Action Methods and IActionResult object
    • Passing data from Controller to View
    • Understanding Action Selectors
    • Action Filters
    • Building Custom Action Filters
    • Asynchronous Action Methods
  • Views
    • Overview
    • Razor Syntax
    • Types of Views
    • Partial Views
    • Layout Pages
    • Special Views
    • View Categorization based on Model
  • Helpers
    • Html Helpers
    • Built-In Html Helpers
    • URL helpers
    • Tag Helpers
    • Custom Tag Helpers
  • Model Binding
    • Overview
    • Html Form behavior
    • DefaultModelBinder
    • Binding to Complex Classes
    • IFormCollection Model Binding
    • IFormFile Model Binder
    • Bind Attribute
    • TryUpdateModelAsync
  • Validations & Data Annotations
    • Overview
    • Validations with Data Annotation
    • Server Side and Client Side Validation
    • Custom Server side validation
    • Model level validation using IValidatableObject
    • Custom unobtrusive Client-side Validation
    • Remote Validation
  • State management
    • Cookies
    • Sessions
  • Security
    • Authentication and Authorization
    • Implementing Security using ASP.NET Core Identity
  • MVC and Entity Framework Core
    • Basic CRUD Operations using Entity Framework
    • Separation of work using BO Classes
    • Writing Generic Class / Repository
    • Caching in Repository
  • Web Caching
    • Overview
    • Cache Tag Helpers
    • Memory Caching Introduction
    • In-Memory Caching
    • Response Cache
    • Distributed Cache
  • Routing
    • Overview
    • Custom Routes
    • Attribute Routing
    • Routing Constraints
  • Working with Areas
    • Overview
    • Adding Areas
    • Defining Area Routes
    • Linking between Areas
  • Web API and JQuery Ajax
    • Introduction to Web API
    • AJAX implementation using JQuery
    • Calling the Web API with JQuery Ajax
    • Creating a Web API that Supports CRUD Operations using EF
  • Introduction to SQL
  • Database Normalization and Entity Relationship Model
  • Crud Operation

  • Introduction to SQL
    •  Various types of databases
    •  Introduction to Structured Query Language
    •  The distinction between client-server and file-server databases
    •  Understanding SQL Server Management Studio
    •  SQL table basics
    •  Data Types and Functions
    •  Transaction-SQL
    •  Authentication for Windows
    •  Data control language
    •  The identification of the keywords in T-SQL, such as Drop Table      
  • Database Normalization and Entity Relationship Model
    • Entity-Relationship Model
    •  Entity and Entity Set
    •  Attributes and Types of Attributes
    • Entity Sets
    • Relationship Sets
    •  Degree of Relationship
    • Mapping Cardinalities, One-to-One, One-to-Many, Many-to-one, Many-to-many
  • SQL Operators
    • Introduction to relational databases
    • Fundamental concepts of relational rows, tables, and columns
    • Several operators (such as logical and relational), constraints, domains, indexes, stored procedures, primary and foreign keys
    • Understanding group functions
    • The unique key
  • Working with SQL: Join, Tables, and Variables
    • Advanced concepts of SQL tables
    • SQL functions
    • Operators & queries
    • Table creation
    • Data retrieval from tables
    • Combining rows from tables using the inner, outer, cross, and self joins
    • Deploying operators such as ‘intersect,’ ‘except,’ ‘union,’
    • Temporary table creation
    • Set operator rules
    • Table variables
  • Working with Subqueries
    • Understanding SQL subqueries, their rules
    • Statements and operators with which subqueries can be used
    • Using the set clause to modify subqueries
    • Understanding different types of subqueries, such as where, select, insert, update, delete, etc.
    • Methods to create and view subqueries


  • Jira
    • Introduction to Jira

    • Creating and Managing Projects

    • Managing Issues

    • Agile Boards and Workflows

    • Managing Releases and Versions

    • Collaboration and Communication

    • Advanced Jira Configuration

    • Reporting and Dashboards

    • Jira Automation and Integrations

    • Best Practices and Advanced Topics

    • Project Work

  • Git
    • Overview
    • Installtion Envirement
    • Git Basics
    • Working with Repositories
    • Branching and Merging
    • Collaborative Workflows
    • Advanced Git Operations
    • Git Best Practices

  • AWS Server
  • Compute Services:

    • Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2)
    • AWS Lambda
  • Storage Services:

    • Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3)
    • Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS)
  • Networking Services:

    • Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)
    • AWS Direct Connect
    • Amazon Route 53
    • AWS Global Accelerator
  • Developer Tools:

    • AWS CodeStar
    • AWS CodeCommit
    • AWS CodePipeline
    • AWS CodeDeploy
  • Serverless Computing:

    • AWS Lambda
    • AWS Step Functions
    • Amazon API Gateway
    • Amazon EventBridge
  • Azure

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Course Duration

15 Month

Training Type






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