One Stop solutions for your career

MEAN Stack Developer

Course Code : TCP-MEAN

Course Code : TCP-MEAN


Join TCP India and unlock a promising future in web development! Our comprehensive curriculum covers the entire Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC), from Requirement Gathering to Deployment and Maintenance. In the realm of UI/UX, you'll unleash your creativity using Figma and master web interfaces with HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JS, and jQuery. Dive into Angular and explore its powerful features, such as TypeScript basics, components, data bindings, directives, and services. Learn the art of routing, handling forms, validation, and advanced components like custom pipes and RxJS for state management. In ExpressJS, delve into middleware, template engines, routing, request and response handling, and security implementation. Explore the world of NodeJS with modules, NPM, debugging, events, and REST API development. Understand MongoDB for NoSQL database management, and discover cloud deployment on AWS for your projects. With our expert guidance and hands-on projects, you'll be fully equipped to excel as a Mean Stack Developer!

Here's an overview of the components typically involved in MEAN stack development:

  1. MongoDB: MongoDB is a NoSQL database that stores data in a flexible, JSON-like format called BSON (Binary JSON). It is schema-less, which means that data can be stored without a predefined structure, allowing for more flexibility in handling evolving data requirements.

  2. Express.js: Express.js is a minimalist web application framework for Node.js. It provides a set of robust features and tools for building web applications and APIs, including routing, middleware support, and template engine integration.

  3. AngularJS (or Angular): AngularJS, the original version of Angular, is a popular JavaScript framework for building dynamic front-end applications. It provides a powerful set of tools and features for building single-page applications (SPAs), handling data binding, and implementing client-side logic.

  4. Node.js: Node.js is a server-side JavaScript runtime environment built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine. It allows developers to build scalable and high-performance web applications using JavaScript on the server side. Node.js provides event-driven and non-blocking I/O capabilities, making it well-suited for building real-time applications and APIs.


  • SDLC Introduction
  • SDLC Phase
    • Requirement Gathering or Planning
    • SRS (Software Requirement Specification)
    • Design
    • Implementation & Coding
    • Testing
    • Deployment
    • Maintenance
  • SDLC Models
    • Waterfall Model
    • V-Shaped Model
    • Prototype Model
    • Spiral Model
    • Iterative Incremental Model
    • Big Bang Model
    • Agile Model

  • Figma
    • Introduction
    • Tools 
    • Prototype
    • Components
    • Web Interface
    • App Interface
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Bootstrap
  • JavaScript
  • jQuery

  • Introduction
    • Overview & Features
    • AngularJS vs Angular
    • Angular CLI
    • Project Setup
    • Project Architecture
    • MVC Architecture
    • Typescript Basic
  • Basics
    • Angular Life Cycle
    • Variables, Keywords, Syntax
    • decision-making statements
    • looping statements
    • Array
    • OOP Concept
  • Components
    • Overview and Life Cycle
    • Creating a new component
    • Understanding AppModule
    • understanding Component Declaration
    • Component Templates
    • Component Selector
    • Component Styles
  • Data Bindings
    • Overview
    • String Interpolation
    • Property Binding  
    • Property Binding vs String Interpolation
    • Dividing the App into multiple components
    • Event binding
    • Binding with Custom Events
    •  Binding Properties and Events
    • Two-Way Binding
    • Forms Module
    • Custom Properties
    • Local Reference
    • Hooks
  • Directives
    • Overview
    • HTML DOM element
    • ngIf and Else condition
    • ngSwitch
    • ngFor
    • ngStyle
    • ngClass
    • ngModel
    • ngController
    • Using ngStyle for Styling Angular App
    • Applying CSS Class dynamically with ngClass
    • Displaying Lists using ngFor
    • Create Basic Attribute Directive
    • Renderer
    • HostBinding and HostListener
    • Directive Properties
  • Services & Dependency Injection
    • Overview
    • Use of Service
    • Creating service
    • Access service
    • Hierarchical Injector
    • Injecting a Service into other services
    • Implement Dependency Injection
  • Routing
    • Overview
    • Implementing Routes
    • Router Link and Router Path
    • Understand and Navigation of Router Link and Router path
    • Styling Router Link
    • Navigation Path
    • Navigating Dynamically
    • Using Relative Paths
    • Passing Parameters to Routes and fetching route parameters
    • Fetching route parameters in a Reactive Way
    • Passing query parameters and fragments
    • Nested Routes
    • Redirecting and Wildcard routes
    • Redirection Path Matching
    • Route Configuration
    • Understanding can activate, can activate child, and can deactivate
    • Passing data to route
    • Resolve Guard
    • Location Strategies


  • Events
    • Overview
    • Keyboard Events
    • Mouse Events
    • directives
    • Toggle
    • $event Object
  • Forms
    • Overview
    • Reactive approach
    • Template Driven
    • Template Driven Form
    • Form Control
    • Access of Form
    • Validation
    • Grouping
    • Form Event handling
  • Validation
    • Overview
    • Form Validation
    • Form State and Input State
    • Css Classes
    • Custom Validation
  • Scopes
    • Overview
    • How to use
    • Know your scope
    • Root Scope
  • Filters
    • currency
    • date
    • filter
    • JSON
    • limit
    • lowercase
    • uppercase
    • number
    • orderby
  • Http
    • Overview
    • HTTP Methods
    • Http Properties
    • JSON
  • Advanced Components
  • Custom Pipes
  • State Management using RxJS
  • Unit testing
  • Project Development and Deployment

  • Introduction
    • Overview
    • Installation
    • CLI
    • MVC Structure
    • First Program
  • Configuration
    • app.set() and app.get()
    • app.enable() and app.disable()
    • app.enabled() and app.disabled()
  • Settings
    • env
    • view cache and view engine
    • views
    • proxy
    • json and jsonp
    • strict and case-sensitive routing
    • etag
    • subdomain offset
  • Environments
    • app.configure()
  • Middleware
    • Overview
    • app.use()
    • Middleware Types
  • Template Engines
  • Parameter Extraction
  • Routing
    • Overview
    • VERB()
    • all()
  • Request
    • Overview
    • Query
    • request parameter
    • request body
    • files
    • routes
    • cookie
    • request functions
    • Attributes and Methods
  • Response
    • Overview
    • Response Functions
    • Response Attributes and Methods
  • Error Handling
  • Authentication
  • Multi-Threading
  • Security
    • CSRF
    • Permissions
    • Headers
  • Socket IO

  • Introduction
    • Overview
    • Advantages of Node JS
    • Node JS Architecture
  • Environment Setup
    • Installation
    • Working with REPL and CLI
  • Modules
    • Overview
    • Function, Buffer, Module
    • Core and Local Module
    • Module.Exports
  • NPM
    • Overview
    • Installing  Package Locally and Globally
    • Dependency in package.json
    • Updating Packages
  • Creating a Web Server
    • Overview
    • Handling request 
    • Serving static files and pages
    • caching
    • streaming and optimization
  • File Handling
    • Overview
    • Read File
    • Writing a file
    • Opening and Deleting a file
    • IO Operations
  • Debugging
    • Overview
    • Core Node JS debugger
    • Debugging with VS Code
  • Events
    • Event Emitter class
    • Returning event emitter
    • Inheriting Events
  • Serving Static Resources
    • Serving Static Files
    • Working with Middle Ware
  • Rest API 
    • Overview
    • Benefits
    • HTTP Objects
    • Data Posting
    • File Upload
    • HTTP Client
    • Implementing download Throttling
  • Data Serialization
    • JSON to Object & Object to JSON
    • XML to object & Object to XML
  • Working with Database
  • web Development
    • Overview
    • Express scaffolding
    • Environment Setup
    • Dynamic Routing
    • Templates
    • CSS engine
  • Security
    • Authentication
    • File System Security
    • Password Cryptography
    • cross-site forgeries
  • Advanced Concepts
    • Sending Emails and SMS
    • Web Socket
    • Multi Thread
    • Cron Job
    • Proxy Server

  • Introduction
    • Overview
    • NoSQL
    • NoSQL vs RDBMS
    • MongoDB Data Types
    • Installation
    • Modeling
  • Operators
    • Overview
    • Query and Projection Operator
    • Aggregation Pipeline Stages
    • MongoDB Function
    • Query Builder
  • Database Command
    • Overview
    • Aggregation Command
    • Geospatial Command
    • Query Command
    • Cache Command
    • Authentication Command
    • User Management Command
    • Role management Command
    • Replication, Shading, and Session Command
  • Database
    • Overview
    • Create and Drop Database
  • Collection
    • Overview
    • Create and Drop Collection
  • Queries
    • Insert Document
    • Update Document
    • Delete Document
    • Query Document
    • SQL to MongoDB  Mapping
    • MongoDB text search
    • Removing Document
    • Multi Update
    • Write Protocol
    • Bulk Operations and Methods
    • Common Commands
  • Cloud
    • Stitch
    • Atlas
    • Cloud Manager
    • Ops Manager
  • Tools
    • MongoDB Compass
    • BI Connector
  • Advanced Query
  • Indexing and Aggregation

  • Jira
    • Introduction to Jira

    • Creating and Managing Projects

    • Managing Issues

    • Agile Boards and Workflows

    • Managing Releases and Versions

    • Collaboration and Communication

    • Advanced Jira Configuration

    • Reporting and Dashboards

    • Jira Automation and Integrations

    • Best Practices and Advanced Topics

    • Project Work

  • Git
    • Overview
    • Installtion Envirement
    • Git Basics
    • Working with Repositories
    • Branching and Merging
    • Collaborative Workflows
    • Advanced Git Operations
    • Git Best Practices

  • AWS Server
  • Compute Services:

    • Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2)
    • AWS Lambda
  • Storage Services:

    • Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3)
    • Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS)
  • Networking Services:

    • Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)
    • AWS Direct Connect
    • Amazon Route 53
    • AWS Global Accelerator
  • Developer Tools:

    • AWS CodeStar
    • AWS CodeCommit
    • AWS CodePipeline
    • AWS CodeDeploy
  • Serverless Computing:

    • AWS Lambda
    • AWS Step Functions
    • Amazon API Gateway
    • Amazon EventBridge

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Course Duration

15 Month

Training Type




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