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Python Full Stack Developer

Course Code : TCP-FSP

Course Code : TCP-FSP


Join TCP India and become a Python Full Stack expert! Our comprehensive curriculum covers the entire SDLC, from Requirement Gathering to Deployment, with various models like Waterfall and Agile. Unleash your creativity in UI/UX with Figma and master HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and jQuery for captivating interfaces. Core and Advance Python will hone your programming skills, while Django and MongoDB open doors to web development. With Jira, Git, and AWS, you'll be industry-ready for project management and deployment. Empower your future with TCP India and thrive in Python Full Stack development!

Here is an overview of the components typically involved in Python full-stack development:

  • Front-End Development:
  • Back-End Development
  • Deployment and Infrastructure
  • Additional Components


  • SDLC Introduction
  • SDLC Phase
    • Requirement Gathering or Planning
    • SRS (Software Requirement Specification)
    • Design
    • Implementation & Coding
    • Testing
    • Deployment
    • Maintenance
  • SDLC Models
    • Waterfall Model
    • V-Shaped Model
    • Prototype Model
    • Spiral Model
    • Iterative Incremental Model
    • Big Bang Model
    • Agile Model

  • Figma
    • Introduction
    • Tools 
    • Prototype
    • Components
    • Web Interface
    • App Interface
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Bootstrap
  • JavaScript
  • jQuery

  • Introduction & Course Overview
  • Installation & Environment Setup
  • Syntax
  • Input Output
  • Data Types & Data Structure
  • Variables
  • Operators
  • Statements
  • Methods & Functions & Recursion
  • Array
  • Regular Expression
  • OOPs Concept
  • Threading
  • Decorators & Generators
  • File Handling
  • Module & Packages
  • Exception Handling
  • IDE

  • Introduction
    • Overview of Python
    • Features / Why Python?
    • Editors / IDE
    • Install Python & Environment Setup
    • Syntax, Comment, Variables, Keywords
  • Data Types
    • Numeric
    • String
    • Binary
    • Boolean
    • Sequence
    • Mapping
    • Set Types
    • Non Type
    • Type Casting
  • Data Structure
    • List
    • Tuples
    • Sets
    • Dictionaries
    • Built-in Functions
  • Input / Output
    • Input Function
    • Output Function
    • I/O Formatting
  • Control Statement / Control Flow
    • If/Else Statement
    • While/for Loop
    • Statements
      • break
      • continue
      • assert
      • pass
      • return
      • range
  • Functions
    • Built-in functions
    • User-defined functions
    • Scope of Functions
    • Package functions
    • Defining & Calling
    • Default & Keyword arguments
    • Lambda functions
  • Modules
    • Creating a Module
    • Import module & names
    • Executing Module
  • Error & Exception Handling
    • Errors in Python
    • Error Types
      • Compile time
      • Run time
      • Logical
    • Exception in python
    • Exception Handling
    • try…except…else
    • try..finally clause
    • Exception Argument
    • User-defined exception
  • File Handling
    • Modes of file
    • Reading file
    • Writing & Appending into files
    • Methods
    • File Exception Handling
  • Object Oriented Programming
    • Overview
    • Class & Object
    • Self variable
    • Scope
    • Methods
      • Instance
      • Static
      • Class
    • Built-in class
    • Constructor & Destructure
    • Abstract Class
    • Interface
    • Abstract Methods
  • Generators & Iterators
    • Generators
    • Iterators
    • Functions
    • Data Comparison
  • Collections
    • numedtuple()
    • deque
    • chainMap
    • Counter
    • OrderedDict
    • defaultDict
    • UserDict
    • UserList
    • UserString
  • Regular Expression
    • Overview
    • Split
    • Working with special character
    • Match & Find
    • Search & Replace
  • Thread
    • Overview
    • Use of thread
    • Class & Thread
    • Multi-Thread
    • Synchronization
    • Life Cycle
    • Use Case
  • DJango Framework
    • Overview
    • MVC Architecture
    • MVT Architecture
    • Web Development
    • API & Security
  • Testing
  • Deployment

  • Introduction
    • Overview
    • NoSQL
    • NoSQL vs RDBMS
    • MongoDB Data Types
    • Installation
    • Modeling
  • Operators
    • Overview
    • Query and Projection Operator
    • Aggregation Pipeline Stages
    • MongoDB Function
    • Query Builder
  • Database Command
    • Overview
    • Aggregation Command
    • Geospatial Command
    • Query Command
    • Cache Command
    • Authentication Command
    • User Management Command
    • Role management Command
    • Replication, Shading, and Session Command
  • Database
    • Overview
    • Create and Drop Database
  • Collection
    • Overview
    • Create and Drop Collection
  • Queries
    • Insert Document
    • Update Document
    • Delete Document
    • Query Document
    • SQL to MongoDB  Mapping
    • MongoDB text search
    • Removing Document
    • Multi Update
    • Write Protocol
    • Bulk Operations and Methods
    • Common Commands
  • Cloud
    • Stitch
    • Atlas
    • Cloud Manager
    • Ops Manager
  • Tools
    • MongoDB Compass
    • BI Connector
  • Advanced Query
  • Indexing and Aggregation

  • Jira 
    • Introduction to Jira

    • Creating and Managing Projects

    • Managing Issues

    • Agile Boards and Workflows

    • Managing Releases and Versions

    • Collaboration and Communication

    • Advanced Jira Configuration

    • Reporting and Dashboards

    • Jira Automation and Integrations

    • Best Practices and Advanced Topics

    • Project Work

  • Git
    • Overview
    • Installtion Envirement
    • Git Basics
    • Working with Repositories
    • Branching and Merging
    • Collaborative Workflows
    • Advanced Git Operations
    • Git Best Practices

  • AWS Server
  • Compute Services:

    • Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2)
    • AWS Lambda
  • Storage Services:

    • Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3)
    • Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS)
  • Networking Services:

    • Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)
    • AWS Direct Connect
    • Amazon Route 53
    • AWS Global Accelerator
  • Developer Tools:

    • AWS CodeStar
    • AWS CodeCommit
    • AWS CodePipeline
    • AWS CodeDeploy
  • Serverless Computing:

    • AWS Lambda
    • AWS Step Functions
    • Amazon API Gateway
    • Amazon EventBridge

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Course Duration

15 Month

Training Type





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